Procedural Content ftw - .kkrieger

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Procedural Content ftw - .kkrieger

Post by Trazlo » July 5th, 2010, 6:50 pm

As far as gameplay goes, this game, called .kkrieger isn't really anything special, but nonetheless the game represents something pretty spectacular.

It is miniscule in size.

Go on, download it on the linked page, and take a look at what you downloaded. It's ~96 kilobytes. (I still have trouble believing this and had to double check again just to make sure, but no, it's really that small. kilobytes. . . )
That small, but when you run it, you get your average 3dfps with guns, things to shoot at, and terrain to cross to find more things to shoot at.
The trade off is that all of that content was generated by algorithms at runtime (common buzzword: procedural content), and so you end up with loads more of load times but markedly less disk space used to store the actual game content needed to start from.
Additionally, it doesn't sport the most lax minimum requirements either (old pcs beware of slideshows~), but I found it decently playable (minor skips sometimes) on a 4-5 year old pc.

If you look at old snes roms & such, they're often tiny compared to most modern games (dragon age origins clocks in at ~15gigabytes), but .kkrieger demonstrates just how possible it actually is to make a modern game with that old tiny footprint on disk. (of course memory usage is a completely different ball game. . . )

The game as is is just a beta version, a proof of concept I guess, and one can play it through in a very brief time (on the order of an hour or so) and there really isn't any plot mentioned or even inferred. You just shoot things.

Check this game out if you've any interest in game design, it represents something awesome.
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