DCX Nightcore - All The Time

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DCX Nightcore - All The Time

Post by joelkalsi » January 9th, 2016, 11:00 am

DCX Nightcore - All The Time

The official release coming next week on Spotify + iTunes etc, but it's already on Youtube for you guys to enjoy :) How do you like it? Went out to get some of that original eurodance flavour on it. Going to put it on the playlist in car tonight :)

Also got a short url for the channel http://bit.ly/dcxnightcore as YT doesn't allow using a channel name in the URL before getting ~200 subscribers and I can see that one's going to take a while. So remember to subscribe :)
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Re: DCX Nightcore - All The Time

Post by LonelyLittleAngel » January 9th, 2016, 7:51 pm

Excellent!!!! The song is perfect for nightcore, but the speed is a bit off. Did you nightcore it on audacity????
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Re: DCX Nightcore - All The Time

Post by joelkalsi » January 10th, 2016, 6:34 pm

Thanks! :) Would you liked to have it faster and higher pitch? It's on a +20% and usually I've used Native Instruments Traktor (got the S4 controller for deejay sets) which is limited to +20%, but it seemed fine for most songs, so now been using the same +20 pitch up with Logic Pro 9 (which the songs are also made on).

Would you like to give a try on speeding it up? Feel free to post on Youtube if you like -- it doesn't matter as I am the record company for everything coming out from this desk :) It's just cool if people spread our music on Youtube for others to hear (that's how people find out about our music after all), plus there's a tiny bonus from Google through their ad system if the songs are running with their ads, so it's good for musicians that way too if something gets lots of listens. So far I haven't put ads running on any of the new stuff, but if something gets really popular then it's good to do that.

Here's the original song if you want to have a look, and it's not yet released in this form but coming out later under DCX :)

The official release also just came out too! They were quick to add it on Spotify this time (in December it took around 10 days!) :)
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Re: DCX Nightcore - All The Time

Post by Vitacx97 » January 11th, 2016, 2:48 am

The beat is definitely there for nightcore, but I don't think the vocals work so good pitched up. I like the original version a lot though.
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Re: DCX Nightcore - All The Time

Post by emilemil1 » January 11th, 2016, 3:31 am

Only have a little time, so quick reply for now. Awesome melodic part, really liking it. Vocals are okay, people have widely different pitch/style preferences here so i think it could swing either way.

Will expand later... EDIT: Expanding.

Okay, listened to the original now too for comparison. I have to say that even though the Nightcore is really good, the original is even better! It feels like the vocals probably need to be slightly higher pitched in the Nightcore version to reach that "Authentic Nightcore Sound(tm)", but at the same time I wouldn't want the tempo to be any faster or it'd feel rushed. In the original they're really well balanced.

If you'd like some promotion for your channel I could take a nice song and upload it with a link and stuff. Most will probably not even read the video description in the first place, but some might, and I think they'll be happily surprised :)
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Re: DCX Nightcore - All The Time

Post by joelkalsi » January 11th, 2016, 11:53 am

Thanks guys, very nice feedback! :)

emilemil1, sure thing, promotion is always welcome! :) Let me know if I can cross-link your channel somewhere?

The "DCX Nightcore" channel is so far only for our nightcore releases, but for those interested there's also a channel https://www.youtube.com/dcxtv for the original songs, and everything project related from music videos to "behind the scenes" so to say.

If you guys want to have a look on the previous full album non-pitched, or do your own nightcore versions of some tracks, it's here http://www.dcx.fi/sampledstories/ .. Now afterwards it feels like some tracks could have been faster speed (especially "Love" track always gets me as too slow, I might have been listening the nightcore version too much *g*).
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Re: DCX Nightcore - All The Time

Post by rsslayersr » January 11th, 2016, 9:19 pm

Looks like I missed out on some pretty cool stuff. But I have to agree with emile, the original brings out a lot more vibes within me.

Anyway, great to see you still around here.
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Re: DCX Nightcore - All The Time

Post by joelkalsi » January 16th, 2016, 6:21 am

For those non-Spotify/AppleMusic/Tidal etc. users
"DCX - Sampled Stories" is now in full also on Youtube
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xItJsa ... -eMgFEOK9H
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Re: DCX Nightcore - All The Time

Post by rsslayersr » January 16th, 2016, 6:27 am

Is 2016 going to be a good year for you, Joel? :D
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Re: DCX Nightcore - All The Time

Post by joelkalsi » January 18th, 2016, 9:06 am

It has been it since day 1 already :D
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